SavCoins Story
The SavCoins App was developed in July of 2020.
SAVCOINS IS THE ONLY APP OF ITS KIND! We know that millions of Consumers visit stores, strip centers, and retail malls around our country every day, and everyday tens of millions of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters are exchanged back and forth between Customers and Cashiers.
SavCoins mission is to change the way people use physical cash.
As a kid I always wanted to be an inventor, I guess I got that from my Dad, he passed away when I was two years old. I used to hear stories about his inventions. There’s one I always remember about how he revamped a dump truck. It was said that he was able to produce hundreds of dozens of adobes in a single day with just a few workers and that revamped dump truck.
I left my home in Albuquerque N.M. and ended up in Louisiana. where I went to Bible College, and also started working at a major Grocery Store. I retired, 39+ years later.
One typical day at work I started noticing how much money, physical cash customers use. I saw something I hadn’t seen before…all that change coming out of the coin dispenser. WOW! I thought to myself, “If I would have been Saving all the change from all those cash transactions, I probably wouldn’t be working here, I would a millionaire by now!”
That’s how the SavCoins App came to be.
Austin Gurule Jr.
SavCoins Founder